The leading specialists in the treatment of complex and persistent pain and spinal conditions

Farewell Pain

Farewell Pain

Dear Nick - I just wanted to let you know I am pain free! 

A true miracle considering the many closed doors I had encountered over the years seeking a diagnosis. SW referred me to the very reassuring Mr F, who referred me on to Mr G. He, equally swiftly removed what turned out to be an Angioleiomyloma. Mr G tells me it is notoriously painful.!!

I can never thank you enough for writing your book on Pain which jumped out of the shelves at me in Toppings in St Andrews last Autumn. I would not be pain free today without it I feel sure.

You have such a wonderful inquisitive mind and knowledge and your integrative approach to care, directly referring me SW, has all led to my pain free outcome today.

After so many years of being told I must live with the pain that none of the many professionals I had seen could resolve and never given a scan (despite my asking), or onward referral, I was left with minimal expectation of a solution.

My life has been completely transformed. There are not enough words of gratitude.
I enclose my heart felt poem that I have sent to Mr G and SW. I wrote a few days after the surgery.

Very Best wishes

For privacy we have removed names

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